Wicked Obscura Apothecary

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The Moon Cycle and You

In a world of change and adapting, the moon cycle is constant.

Fascination with the moon and it’s phases go back farther than recorded history. The moon has always been a source of wonder and curiosity, often being personified as a goddess or divine being because of its metaphysical properties. We’ve talked about the power of the full moon in a previous blog, but all of the moon’s phases can be utilized to enhance your life.

Starting with the beginning of the lunar cycle is the new moon, or a first quarter moon. This is the perfect time to start something new. Set your intentions and start on a new path. The energy of the new moon is perfect to jump start a new project, a new diet, or even a new way of thinking.

The waxing moon, or a second quarter moon, is great to use when you’re looking to gain something. The waxing moon draws things to you. This can be love, money, job opportunities, or other experiences that bring you growth. This is a time for development, especially for those intentions set on the new moon.

When that big and beautiful full moon, or third quarter moon, is in the sky it’s a time to celebrate! The full moon represents fulfillment and completion. It’s a time to recognize the grand things in your life that bring you closer to your ideal self. You will also have increased awareness for parts of yourself that are not doing you any favors. This is a time to listen to your intuition. Embrace this time!

Finally we have the waning moon, or the fourth quarter moon. This is a time to reflect over the journey from new moon to full moon. This can be a time of high anxiety because the waning moon reminds us that there is still work to be done and time is slipping away. Take time to rest and know that you have many more paths to take. The waning moon can also be used to get rid of things. If the full moon brought light to some negative aspects you’re ready to be done with, now is the time to purge them. 

Paying attention to the moon and it’s cycle will make you more aware of not only the world around you, but also yourself. We are here on Earth to grow and become better versions of ourselves every single day. It is a continuous journey that is full of ups and downs. Using the moon’s energy can help add a little clarity and understanding to your path.