Wicked Obscura Apothecary

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7 Scented Candles to Balance Your Chakras

Check out this wonderful article from the Yoga Journal featuring one of our candles! Written by KYLE HOUSEWORTH.

Did you know that certain scents can help you balance your chakras? The chakras are energy centers in your body spanning from the base of your spine to the top of your head, and scents can stimulate those energy centers, improving the flow of prana (life force) through your nadis (energy channels). Much like essential oils, soy wax candles can fill the room with vibrant aromas that can lead you to feel more grounded, confident, energized, or more depending on where you feel a blockage. Plus, for the meditator, you can focus on the bouncing flame during a Trataka meditation to wash out your eyes and still your mind.

Look inward to discern which energy center feels out of alignment, and light one of these chakra candles to bring yourself back to equilibrium.