Our Woodsman Beer Soap Is Now At Braxatorium Parcensis Brewery!


We’re excited to announce that our beer soap, The Woodsman, is officially being sold at Braxatorium Parcensis Brewery in Leuven, Belgium made with their 1st Libertus beer! Not only is their beer absolutely delicious (yes, of course we needed to try it), but using it in our soap produced some amazing results!

Beer soap. What makes this type of soap so special?

Our ‘Woodsman’ soap is made from Belgian beer and carries a host of benefits and nutrients for your skin. It provides a nice lather while packing a punch of Vitamin B when it comes to moisturizing your skin.

Sediments in ale or ‘brewer’s yeast’ have been shown to have anti-bacterial properties and contain nutrients like riboflavin, biotin and other vitamins. Hops, an ingredient in the beer, contains skin- softening amino acids which can help soothe irritated skin.

One of the best reasons to use beer soap is its ability to help maintain the skin’s PH balance. It’s anti-bacterial properties help kill bacteria that causes acne.

Here’s how it’s made!

How did Wicked Obscura end up in Belgium of all places? We’ll that’s a story to tell by our owner, Kayla :)

Last year, if you asked me if my company was going to be successful, I’d fall in love with a Belgian boy and we would be selling our beer soap in Belgium, I'd say you were crazy. What are the odds of something like this happening? It was definitely something I didn't foresee, but sure enough all of these things played out and I couldn’t be happier!


How our soap ended up in Belgium is actually a very simple story- I met a Belgian boy. Even across oceans we met, fell in love and back in November of 2019, I found myself traveling to Brussels to visit my sweet partner. I had never been to Belgium before. I always noted myself as a sophisticated traveler having been to the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Southern France and all over Italy, but never had an interest in visiting Belgium. Next thing you know, there I was- standing on Belgium soil. Besides being with the boy I fell in love with, I fell in love with the country as well. As we explored the cities nearby, it just felt like home. On our travels we decided to stop at an abbey in the town of Leuven. This is where we were introduced to Braxatorium Parcensis Brewery. Exploring the abbey was just beautiful. Rich in lush resources from the hops that they grow on- site to the water that flows in a pond nearby by. Everything that the land of the abbey provides goes into the beer that Braxatorium Parcensis makes. It was very impressive to see. They even use old milling machines from the medieval days to grind up their oats! Of course, we did a taste test, and I must say- I’ve had some Belgium beer being in the area, but this beer was top notch!

One thing led to another- mainly my curious and creative mind, and sure enough we talked and thought it’d be a neat idea to have us make a beer soap for their shop right in the abbey! So I’m so excited to finally announce our woodsman beer soap being there and I can’t wait to see where this collaboration takes us!

Be sure to pay a visit to the abbey in Leuven, and have a smell of our beer soap! You can find out more information about the Braxatorium Parcensis Brewery here!: https://braxatoriumparcensis.be/

AND We do have a limited number of this beer soap left, so hurry and snag your soap before it runs out! You can find it here: https://wickedobscura.com/soaps/the-woodsman-made-with-belgian-beer-by-braxatorium-parcensis-brewery