Wicked Obscura Apothecary

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Full Moon: From Crazy to Powerful

“It must be a full moon…” is a common phrase people use when things are overwhelmingly crazy.

They claim the moon must be full to explain all the strange occurrences happening around them. Words like lunatic and loon use the root word of luna, which is latin for moon. How did the full moon become synonymous with insanity? Is this all a coincidence or does the full moon really make you a little nuts?

This theory has existed since ancient Roman and Greek times. They believed then that the moon affects the water in our brain the same way it affects the tides. This idea has passed through years of scientific discovery and cultural expansion and yet there are still people today who believe it! However any “proof” of the moon making people crazy is purely anecdotal and does not have scientific merit.

All that said, the moon may not make you loony but perhaps there is something else to it all. These theories and stories all point to one thing: the moon is power. People have tracked the moon and noticed that they, and the world, feel different in certain phases. Knowing the purposes and powers of each phase can bring clarity and order to your life. 

The full moon occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align and the sun reflects onto the moon, making it fully illuminated. The full moon is the end of the waxing cycle and the height of growing any intention set on a new moon. The moon’s energy is strongest at its peak; the full moon.

The full moon is a time of fulfillment and completion. Projects you have been working on or relationships that are going through trials and tribulations may come to a crescendo on the full moon. The full moon brings a lot of activity and social awareness which can sometimes lead to unrest and unfulfilled longing. If you are unaware of these energies it could cause you to believe the theory that the moon makes people crazy. Emotions are heightened and dark parts of yourself may come to light. 

Instead of just chalking everything up to “it must be a full moon”, use that energy to make yourself better. The moon is helping us all to purge what is no longer serving us and to bring up the strength inside ourselves. If you’re someone who dislikes change or who shies away from difficult tasks, this may be hard for you and you may feel like a loon but, if you allow the moon to do her job, you will emerge from every full moon as a better you.