What Exactly Is Your Aura?


Have you ever wondered about your aura, or how to read someone else’s aura?

The color of a person’s aura can tell you a lot about them, but since we as humans change over time, our aura colors can also do the same. An aura is made up of seven different layers that radiate and vibrate, and reflect several different niches such as physical, emotional, and astral fragments that are part of each person. Your aura is a reflection of your personal energy and can influence your ability to connect with other people. Typically, your aura envelopes you, creating a 3-foot sphere around you, though people who have suffered from tragedy and/or traumatic situations tend to have a wider sphere.

Clairvoyants are capable of reading the aura with the naked eye, and the Kirlian Photography method has also been used to capture the essence of the aura on camera. This doesn’t mean you have to be clairvoyant or a photographer to read auras, though. It takes practice and patience, and since everything around you possess an aura you can practice anywhere, any time! The best place to start is with yourself, however. To view your own aura, it’s best to stand and face a plain white wall, or directly in front of a mirror. Hold your hand out in front of you and focus just beyond the fingertips. After a moment of concentrating on this spot, let your vision become blurry and out of focus. This will help you see that white, hazy outline around your hand. This is your inner aura. Continue to slowly move your focus away from your hand and continue searching for the energy that surrounds you. You may not get it on your first try, and that’s okay! Keep practicing and training your eyes to see the aura and soon you should be able to see more colors than white.

When in good health and spirits, your aura should shine brightly. Those who are sick, depressed or imbalanced, or just negative in general will often times have dark, murky auras. They often appear as blockades or storm clouds that surround someone.

There are many colors with many different meanings, so here are a few to give a general idea:



This color symbolizes a person becoming more open minded and spiritually aware. It usually appears in flashes and pops amidst more dominant colors. It is the most sensitive colors of the aura.



This color is indicative of a balanced energy. People with this color aura tend to stay cool, calm, and collected during stressful situations Royal blue could mean the person is harboring aptitude – whether known or unknown – in clairvoyance.



This color symbolizes natural healing abilities. People with green auras also have quite the green thumb!



This is a powerful color and indicates passion and energy. It’s also a materialistic color and people with this color aura are usually more drawn to the physical body and appearances. It’s also full of a lot of friction, so this could either lead to attraction or repulsion, depending on the circumstance.



This color is just happy! A person with this color aura has so much inward and outward joy and has a generous heart and spirit. It’s also a color of intelligence, and if you’re seeking out spiritual guidance, then you should seek out a person with a yellow aura.

While this barely scratches the surface of colors and their significance, it’s a good starting point for people who are wanting to broaden their knowledge of the mysterious aura. Have you ever dabbled in the art of reading auras? Were you successful? What colors did you see? We’d love to know! Please tell us your experiences in the comments below.