The Magick Of Moon Water


The Moon rules over the intuitive aspects of the self and when we align ourselves with the Moon, we’re tapping into an ancient energy current. One simple way to do this is by making Moon water.

As the name suggests, moon water is simply water that has had time to sit under the light of the moon and soak up some of its power. The exact origins of moon water are unclear. From some research done, the practice of making moon water has origins in witchcraft and has been around since at least the 1800s.

You can create Moon water by leaving water with specific intent outdoors to charge under the moonlight. Because the Moon affects the ocean’s tides, there’s already an energetic connection between the element of water and the Moon.


The Magic Of The Moon

Moon water serves as a versatile tool for enhancing rituals, spellwork, potion brewing, healing, cleansing, manifestation, and beyond. With a touch of creativity, its potential knows no bounds.

When seeking to elevate your next ritual, consider incorporating moon water as a potent ally. While it can technically be crafted during any moon phase, its potency peaks during the Full Moon, Super Moon, or New Moon, when lunar energies are most heightened and conducive to manifestation.

To guide your intentions further, here's a breakdown of different moon phases and the energies they offer, allowing you to align your moon water creation with your desired outcomes:

  • New Moon: Fresh starts, setting intentions, cleaning, new beginnings, clarity

  • Waxing Crescent: Growth, planning, taking action, intentions, motivations, attractions, success

  • First Quarter: Creativity, divination, calming, action

  • Waxing Gibbous: Refine, observe, good health, good health, momentum

  • Full Moon: Power, success, goals coming to fruition, charging items, clarity, healing

  • Waning Gibbous: Undoing bindings & curses, introspect

  • Third Quarter: Break bad habits, banish, break curses

  • Waning Crescent: Releasing, letting go, banishing, balance, success, wisdom, atonement


In addition to considering the phase of the moon, delve deeper into its astrological placement. For instance, if you discover that the forthcoming Full Moon aligns with Scorpio, you have an opportunity to harness the profound healing and transformative energy associated with this zodiac sign. By aligning your intentions and moon water creation with the unique qualities of Scorpio, you can deepen your connection to its potent energies and amplify your spiritual practices accordingly.


How To Make Moon Water

  1. Begin by selecting a clear glass bottle or jar and purifying it with cleansing incense to ensure its energy is clear and receptive.

  2. Once your vessel is cleansed, fill it with water and place it beneath the moon's gentle glow. Whether positioned near a window or left outdoors overnight, infuse the water with your heartfelt intentions, for this is where the alchemy of magic unfolds.

  3. Elevate the potency of your moon water by introducing clear quartz, known as a "direct" elixir enhancer. While quartz, amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz are generally safe for this purpose, exercise caution with other crystals. Some, like malachite, are toxic in water, while others, such as selenite, may dissolve. Prioritize thorough research to ensure safety and efficacy. Additionally, refrain from ingesting the water unless you have verified the safety of the crystals within.

  4. For an added layer of protection and purification, consider infusing your water with fine silver. Not only does silver's energy offer safeguarding qualities, but it may also stimulate your psychic faculties, inviting heightened intuition and clarity. (please do not ingest if this is added)

  5. If uncertainty lingers regarding a crystal's suitability for direct elixir creation, opt for an "indirect" method. Simply place the crystals outside the glass vessel, allowing their energy to permeate the water without direct contact. This ensures a safe and energetically potent elixir ready for consumption or ritual use.


How You Use Moon Water

"Moon water is versatile and a magical way to alchemize energy,"- Quinn and Bowles.


In the realm of spirituality, moon water holds boundless potential for transformation and intention-setting. From enhancing psychic abilities to blessing sacred objects, its uses are as diverse as the phases of the moon itself.

You can infuse your moon water into a psychic tea before embarking on a reading or divination session, allowing its mystical properties to heighten your intuition and connection with the divine. It can also be used to nourish your plants, adding a touch of lunar energy to their growth and vitality.

In rituals, moon water becomes a potent tool for cleansing and consecration, purifying your sacred space and imbuing your tools with spiritual energy. Whether you're anointing crystals, crafting ritual sprays, or preparing a ritual bath, the possibilities are endless.

However, it's essential to approach moon water with reverence and mindfulness, especially during eclipses. Eclipse energy is intense and transformative, revealing our inner shadows and prompting deep releases. During these times, it's advisable to refrain from making moon water or charging crystals unless you're prepared to work with the volatile energy of the eclipse.

Remember, the power of moon water lies in your intent. So, embrace your creativity and intuition as you explore its myriad uses on your spiritual journey.

Aerisys is a certified Reiki Healer, Angelic Practitioner, Chakra Healing Practitioner and Spiritual Guide. She helps teach you how to tap into your energy, release your energetic blockages, and unveil your intuitive power so you can raise your own vibration & flow into your authentic divine alignment.



Explore More Moon Magic

Delve deeper into the enchanting world of moon magic by checking out our other blog posts dedicated to lunar rituals, spells, and insights. Discover how to harness the mystical energies of the moon for manifestation, intuition, and spiritual growth.


Your soul is calling. Let me be your intuitive guide as we ignite your radiant inner flame into divine alignment. Reiki Healer | Astrologer | Spiritual Life Coach

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