It's Time To Fuel Your Fire THIS APRIL 2021


After a long winter of self care and reflection, spring has finally sprung!

In addition to bringing blossoming trees, birds chirping and rising temperatures, spring offers us a chance to a start fresh. With the internal work done in winter, we can now launch forward into new and exciting adventures. Aries season is the start of the astrological new year. Now is the time to create the visions and life we want.


What Does April Look Like If You Are An Aries?

April’s planetary alignments will help you develop the qualities of making a thoughtful decision, and this will help you succeed in all walks of life. Stay grounded, listen to yourself, and let the universe guide you. However, there is a warning you to keep control over your language as you may go off track. Talk to others carefully and take care of everything at home and at the workplace. You can be bossy at times, so just remember to utilize effective communication skills. If you’re thinking about making a change in your living situation this month, just make sure to stay tapped into your needs. It’s okay to stick up for yourself and go after what you want.

What Does This Mean For You If You’re Not An Aries?

The main message of April is communicating to others how you feel about them. Speak your truth. Aries is a sign of fire and assertion. Aries have no problem with speaking what’s on their mind and sharing their opinions, so utilize this energy where you need it in your life to make motion where energy might be stale. You’ll feel more like yourself than you have in a year, so don’t be surprised if that extra dose of self-love inspires you to go after what you want in life. And, if anyone tries to stop you, good luck to them. This is the month about YOU.


During This Month…

April 3rd: Mercury Enters Aries

This placement gives us the drive we need to go after projects. We're all feeling ready to ask for what we want. Out with people-pleasing and passive-aggressive comments and in with assertively stating needs. Make yourself heard. There will be a surge in confidence in your own ideas so take advantage of this fiery energy. There may be a sense of impulsiveness, frankness, hostility, and stubbornness. Be careful to respect the opinions of the other people, in the same way that you expect yours to be considered. You are not always right.

April 9th: Mars Square Neptune

Saturn in Aquarius links up with the Nodes of Destiny, which aspects the Gemini/Sagittarius lunar axis. This is a day of karmic importance, helping us find long-awaited solutions to our most stubborn problems. However, because of these karmic energies, feelings of depression, anguish, and lack of concentration could arise. Connect with reality and the present moment. These are things we must face in order to heal and progress.

April 14th: Venus enters Taurus

Venus finds its’ happy placement in Taurus where feelings of femininity, sensuality, prosperity, and material security will arise. Pay attention to the possibility of scenes of jealousy, waste, and possessive attitudes. You will feel the need to receive more evidence of love, to spend more time with your loved ones, and to get rid of unimportant or difficult things.

April 19th: Mercury Enters Taurus. The Sun Also Enters Taurus.

Dare to discover new ways of thinking. This is also a good time to invest in working on your self-esteem, personal development and working towards concrete goals. With this placement our mindsets are prone to be stubborn and inflexible. Strive to find a middle ground. As we enter Taurus season start thinking about what you home life is like. Do you need to do some spring cleaning? Perhaps you’ve been thinking about buying some new things to spruce up your space. Make your home comfortable and full of the energy you need.

April 22nd/23rd- Lyrids Meteor Shower Takes Place. Mars also enters Cancer.

This phenomenon appears when Earth passes through the tail of a comet. Astrologically, meteor showers can represent several things. Comets are made up of ice, dust, and gasses. Looking at it symbolically, they represent our frozen emotions and collective fears surfacing for us to see and heal. Anything we have been ignoring or suppressing can no longer be ignored. You have the option to be your best ally, or your worst enemy. Trust the person that you are, and be receptive to the affections of your loved ones.

New Moon

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. During this phase you get an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. The New Moon in Aries will be direct on April 11th, and will have you craving something new and fresh.

This new moon will coincide with a tense square between Venus and Pluto. Watch for passionate emotional responses. This is a stressful influence, which causes us to feel tender and overwhelmed. With Venus involved, close relationships will be tested. Pluto examines control and manipulation dynamics. We will meet our shadow through other people. Whether or not we recognize this reflection as our own will determine the outcome of the situation. In any case, the message is clear: it is time to let go and stop forcing (painful) patterns to continue.

Here’s a great yoga routine from our friends Rob & Steve to help you embrace the New Moon energy of nurturing and newness.


Full Moon

During the time of a full moon, all of that comes to the surface is asking to be seen. This is why many of us feel extra emotional and slightly “crazy”. It can be uncomfortable to feel all the feels. April 27th: traditionally called the Pink Moon, this full Moon will also be a spectacular supermoon in the sign of Scorpio! The Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You desire meaningful emotional exchanges now more than at any other time even if it is not easy and you are forced to change many things. Shallow relationships do not satisfy you, because they are not purifying enough.

Here’s a great yoga routine from our friends Rob & Steve to help you embrace the Full Moon energy of balance.