Build Your Foundations So You Can Expand THIS May 2021


May is one of the most pivotal months of 2021. It brings an incredibly powerful and rare Blood Moon Eclipse in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, the opening of the Pleiades Portal, and the shift of Jupiter into Pisces for the first time in 12 years.

All of this energy makes May a potentially challenging month, but it’s worth remembering that all challenges come with their rewards. The stars suggest that things are about to get better. All the planets are moving directly, allowing for us to move freely without hesitation. The focus of this month is to build on our foundations rooted into the earth and then, once planted, EXPAND! What does this mean?

For many of us, this process has already been happening with the work we’ve been doing since the beginning of this year. Coming out of the wintery season of self-reflection we’re now into the season of taking action- so Taurus will help us to understand exactly what we have and what is important to us and Jupiter’s placement in Pisces this month will help us to EXPAND on this more and take action in our lives.


What Does May Look Like If You Are A Taurus?

This is your season, which means it’s your time to shine! As the Sun returns to the exact position it occupied when you arrived in the world, you feel refreshed and inspired. It’s hard to promise anything in this economy, but stardust falls all over the part of your chart that rules possessions, so don’t feel bad about anything that comes your way. You’re recognizing your worth and so is the world. You’ll find yourself having to deal with quite a few heavy issues as it pertains to your own personal development and your relationships with others. Try not to worry though, as you’ll notice your efforts paying off toward the end of the month.

What Does This Mean For You If You’re Not A Taurus?

Taurus is one of the earth signs, and is all about the emphasis of “I HAVE”- so really look and appreciate what you have. We tend to take things for granted, and this is a time to really appreciate and give thanks to the universe for what it’s provided for you.

As an Earth sign, one of the specialties of the Taurus energy is staying firmly planted on the ground. Appreciate the material world and be present in the here and now. Taurus can also show you how to stay rooted no matter what else is happening. It can be so easy to let the outside world affect your day and your emotions, but find your center despite all of that.

Here are a couple other ways you can utilize Taurus energy:







During This Month…

May 8th: Venus Moves Into Gemini

Venus moves out of her ruling sign of Taurus into the air sign of Gemini. Communication should be emphasized here, and you may be feeling more social and chatty than usual. Use this energy to catch up with old friends.

May 13th: Jupiter Enters Pisces

Jupiter is in a beautiful and comfortable fit with the sign of Pisces. So, we can expect to see Jupiter’s influence extra strong during this time. Jupiter is the planet of luck, growth, and expansion, so this is a very good thing! Pisces has no trouble connecting with others. So Jupiter in Pisces magnifies this ability ten-fold. This helps to easily make contacts that bring in good fortune. This union is all about compassion.

May 14th: Mercury Enters A Shadow Period

Mercury will begin slowing down as it prepares to enter retrograde at the end of the month. Some people feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde most strongly during its’ shadow period. Use this time to slow down yourself, and to think carefully about your actions and next steps moving forward.

May 17th-22nd: Pleiades Portal

The Sun aligns with the Pleiades, a cluster of seven stars that are believed to be home to highly advanced star-beings. During this time of ascension, the wisdom and knowledge from the Pleiades can be beamed into our consciousness at this time with greater ease.

May 20th: Gemini Season Begins

Gemini is ruled by the element of air, making it a great time to get our thoughts and ideas out onto paper and into the world. Gemini is also known as the “communicators” of the bunch, so it’s also a season that favors communication, self-expression, and sharpening our mind. Use this time to check in with your thoughts and ensure they are aligned with expansion rather than limitation in all areas of your life.

May 23rd: Saturn Goes Retrograde

Saturn enters retrograde, giving us a total of two major planets in retrograde. As this is Saturn’s first retrograde since the Great Conjunction back in December 2020, it is definitely going to be one to watch. We may notice themes of the Great Conjunction manifesting in a deeper and more meaningful way.

May 29th: Mercury Goes Retrograde

Mercury enters retrograde, giving us a total of three major planets in retrograde (Pluto, Saturn, Mercury). Especially with the recent Eclipse energies, the time has come to slow down, retreat, and to focus only on things that are in our control. Expect travel delays, communication mishaps, and tech issues, but remember, Mercury Retrograde isn’t all bad. Since it is going backwards through the sign of Gemini you can bet that the focus of this period is on COMMUNICATION. Reflect on relationships whether personal or at work that could work on more of a balance in communication.

New Moon

During this phase you get an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. The New Moon in Taurus will be direct on May 11th, and gets us ready for Eclipse Season. This moon help us better understand our personal growth, highlighting what has been gained and lost.

The sun and moon in Taurus will trine Pluto in Capricorn. What does this mean? When two planets make a trine to each other, they’re making a harmonious alignment and their energies are easily working together. This grouping will help in the recognition and understanding of self and values that characterize our identity.

Here’s a great yoga routine from our friends Rob & Steve to help you embrace the New Moon energy of nurturing and newness.


Full Moon

During the time of a full moon, all of that comes to the surface is asking to be seen. This is why many of us feel extra emotional and slightly “crazy”. It can be uncomfortable to feel all the feels. May 26th: Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.

The Moon will turn a blood red color as we experience a Total Lunar Eclipse. This is very strong energy, and indicates that changes are afoot. Blood Moon Eclipses are powerful portals that allow us to tap into higher states of consciousness. Even though they can bring heavy energy and perhaps even jarring news, it all serves to help the evolution of our soul journey.

We have not experienced a Blood Moon Eclipse since 2019, so it’s likely that we are going to feel this energy strongly. This Eclipse is also linked to a cycle we have been working with since early 2020 so there are many layers to navigate with it too.

While Eclipses can be potent, they do help us to level up and take a quantum leap forward on our path. Whatever falls away, as hard as it may be, is always a catalyst for our soul growth even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

Here’s a great yoga routine from our friends Rob & Steve to help you embrace the Full Moon energy of balance.


Aerisys is a certified Reiki Healer, Angelic Practitioner, Chakra Healing Practitioner and Spiritual Guide. She helps teach you how to tap into your energy, release your energetic blockages, and unveil your intuitive power so you can raise your own vibration & flow into your authentic divine alignment.