It's Time To Get Social THIS June 2021


If the past two weeks have felt chaotic, you’re not alone. Mercury Retrograde began on May 29th, and we're currently right in the middle of eclipse season.

As eclipse season wanes, mid-month, retrograde season kicks in. By the end of June, four of the five slow-moving outer planets will be retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. This may seem like a lot, but no need to get nervous. It's a standard occurrence, as these five planets all spend one-third to one-half of the year in this reverse position. During these rearward transits, we're asked to reflect and repair on larger infrastructure issues.

While June offers some special cosmic alignments, it’s definitely a month that may feel like hard work. Take your time, move slowly, and trust the rhythm and flow of the Universe. Go with the flow…


What Does May Look Like If You Are A Gemini?

This is definitely your month, and the astrology is here to prove it. Eclipses are always a big deal, but this lunation is about to get personal! Eclipses activate destiny, so get ready for some cataclysm of transformation. Under this sky, metamorphosis will take place internally and externally, so don’t be surprised if you feel changes occur across every dimension of your reality. This growth is tremendous! Be sure to pay extra attention to important events, conversations, or emotional impulses that occur mid-month. Squares can be somewhat difficult to navigate, so when in doubt, put emphasis on listening as opposed to sharing.

What Does This Mean For You If You’re Not A Gemini?

Gemini is a sign that thinks fast, communicates well, and is full of ideas. Their versatility and adaptability stem from their split personality -- part intellect, part scatterbrained! Gemini is like a sponge, soaking up as much information as they possibly can. Whether it’s through reading, talking, or writing, Gemini’s thirst for knowledge is constant. They are known to be social, and are always on the lookout for a good time. Thriving on variety, you never know what you’ll get with Gemini!

Here are a couple other ways you can utilize Gemini energy:

  • Seek new experiences, especially those that stimulate your mind.

  • Learn something new about yourself. Perhaps you finally pick up a pen and paper and start journaling - it’s a great way to have a conversation with yourself. 

  • Allow yourself to change your mind. Not everything has to be serious and set in stone.

  • Explore your local scene.


During This Month…

June 10: New Moon/solar eclipse in Gemini

This new moon is in Gemini, the air sign of communication and community. Solar eclipses bring bold beginnings and fresh opportunities. However, this eclipse rides in tandem with Mercury retrograde, so be prepared for a bit of a bumpy ride and take it easy.

This Eclipse is our gift on the other side, delivering to us whatever is needed for our highest growth moving forward. There is no going back, only forward. And keep in mind that because of these incredible shifts, there are brighter beginnings ahead. Just be patient and know that all works in divine timing. This Eclipse is your sign from the Universe that when one door closes, another always opens.

June 14:
Saturn square Uranus

Another significant cosmic event this month is the arrival of the second Saturn Uranus Square. This is a key astrological theme that we are working with all through 2021, however it kicks into high gear this month.

Saturn Square Uranus can bring a clash of ideas. We may find ourselves in a push-pull dynamic, and needing to compromise in some way.

It can also trigger tensions on the global stage too, highlighting a need for security, imposed by the energy of Saturn, but also a need for freedom, imposed by the energies of Uranus.

June 20:
Sun enters Cancer. Summer Solstice. Jupiter goes retrograde.

The Sun will reach its highest point in the Northern Hemisphere's sky on June 20, as the summer solstice, Cancer season, Father's Day, and Jupiter retrograde all pack tightly into a single calendar square. Isn’t that a mouthful for the 20th. Jupiter retrograde helps you work on particular issues involving growth and development, happiness, and success.

“Jupiter retrograde 2021 is extremely fortunate. The aspects involved are the best imaginable. The fixed star conjunct Jupiter retrograde is also very fortunate and changes from a material to a spiritual form of expression. Even Jupiter direct is very well-aspected and conjunct another fortunate fixed star.”

June 22:
Mercury Direct

Mercury goes direct after being retrograde since May 29. Mercury Retrograde is most powerful at its’ start and end dates. Over the coming weeks, greater clarity will return. If you have been dealing with mishaps, miscommunications, or technical glitches, the answers and solutions should be easier to find.

June 24:
Full Moon in Capricorn

The big Super Full Moon in Capricorn is a mixed bag of energy. While it is not as intense as the Eclipses we have been working with, our energy may feel a little scattered and we may find that we are still struggling to digest all that has transpired over the last few weeks. Use this earthy Capricorn energy to ground yourself, and to practice some self-care.

Aerisys is a certified Reiki Healer, Angelic Practitioner, Chakra Healing Practitioner and Spiritual Guide. She helps teach you how to tap into your energy, release your energetic blockages, and unveil your intuitive power so you can raise your own vibration & flow into your authentic divine alignment.