Budget-Friendly Ideas to Alleviate Household Tensions Post-Pandemic


Mothering is no easy task, and the pandemic only complicated things further.

Even with coronavirus mostly behind us, your children may still be lashing out at home because they’re anxious, stressed, or bored — and you may be at a loss of what to do. Your children may also be eager to play with their friends and resume their regular sports activities, and you may be praying for some tranquility at home. But even with these common challenges with your family, all hope is not lost. 

The following budget-friendly ideas from Wicked Obscura Apothecary will help to alleviate some of the household tensions you may be experiencing, while giving you the strength you need to carry on throughout the remainder of the pandemic. 

Get Some Fresh Air

There are so many wonderful benefits of spending time outdoors, especially amidst the global crisis we’re in. According to Michael Hyatt, the time you spend in nature helps to reset your mind, body, and spirit. Spending time in nature also offers a whole slew of mental health benefits, including reduced anxiety, stress, and improved cognitive performance. Plus, kids need outdoor time in order to combat the negative effects of Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD). 

If you’re looking for some ways to connect with nature — and unwind and unplug as a family — head outdoors for a camping trip, day at the beach or local park, or a few hours in your own backyard.

Focus on You

While it’s easy to forget about your own wants and needs when you’re busy taking care of everyone else, it’s important to remember that moms need downtime, too — especially in the wake of the pandemic and all the stress it caused. And if you’re balancing being a mom with work, this can be especially difficult. What’s important is to look for ways to reduce stress.

If you work from home, try to streamline your office for comfort and efficiency, perhaps by improving the lighting and providing more ergonomic furniture. Also, take time to recite affirmations for some much-needed strength, peace, and courage, meditate, or sit down and read a book for 15 or so minutes each day. 

Clean Out and Refresh

Too much time spent at home can also lead to a stifling atmosphere that exudes negative energy. To alleviate the negative, take stock of your home. Does it need a thorough cleaning? Do you need to open some windows or blinds? Is it time to get rid of clutter and reorganize? Interestingly enough, by putting in the work to make our homes more welcoming, we can shake off some of the tension and enjoy a more positive living environment. And this is a worthwhile effort that everyone can take part in. 

Use Yoga for Mindfulness

Whether your children are becoming restless after so many months of social distancing, or your own patience is being tested as your family continues to self-isolate at home, don’t be afraid to set aside time to practice yoga to help you find your center. To get started with yoga, you'll need a comfortable mat, comfortable apparel, blocks and a strap. With the right tools, you can use yoga for the guidance, strength, and courage you need to navigate the remainder of the coronavirus crisis as peacefully as possible.