Understanding Candle Magick


Candle magick is one of the most effective ways to focus your intention and empower yourself to make any necessary changes in your life.

Candle magick makes use of color, herbs and oils charged by the power of the candle flame to energize your intent, and bring about shifts into your unconscious mind and the surrounding energies which will allow you to manifest what you seek.

Being magickal candle-makers, we make all of our candles with the powerful intent of its use being a perfect match for the buyer. So, if you buy one of our candles, our intent is that it spiritually and energetically helps you with whatever you currently need. Whether that be self love, cleansing, protection, positivity, etc…

To begin, you first need to be clear and specific about the intention of this magick. Then you can choose your candle color. Here is a list of colors to help you in finding which one fits your intention the best:

WHITE: Focuses on new beginnings, clarity, and purification. You can also use this color to be charged for any intent. Also, the crown chakra.

RED: Represents power, passion, initiative, courage, and strength. Also, the fire element and root chakra.

ORANGE: The color of confidence, independence, and creativity. Also, the sacral chakra.

YELLOW: Focuses on learning, study, communication, and intelligence. Also, the air element and solar plexus.

GREEN: Represents love, relationships, and abundance, which including money! Also, the earth element and heart chakra.

BLUE: The color of peace, harmony, and also career. Also, the water element and the throat chakra.

VIOLET or INDIGO: You can use this color to represent spiritual practice, psychic awareness, and wisdom. Also the third eye chakra.

PINK: Focuses on reconciliations, self love, friendship, and healing.

BROWN: Represents the home, work, and practical matters.

BLACK: The color of removing negativity, banishing, and releasing.

Consider The Candle Size

Do you want something that will burn down and release your magic quickly or a slower burn, which will help you with long-term magick? The more layers you can add to your candle magick, the more effective it will be. Explore the different sizes to see which one fits best for your need. Once you have your color and size, you can also As well as carve words or symbols into your candle linked to your intent.

Anoint Your Candle With Oils and/or Herbs

Another way to take your candle magick to the next level is choosing oils and herbs specific to your intention. If you are using essential oils, we recommend diluting them first with a carrier oil. You can find herbal infused oils online if you want to keep it simple.

To anoint your candle with oil, simply rub in the oil in a spiral motion. If your intent is to attract something to you, start at the center and work your way up to the top. Then from the center to the bottom. If you want to banish or release energy, start at the top and work at the center. Then from the bottom to the center. If that’s too complicated, then starting from top and going down to bottom is fine! As you gently rub your oil in, focus on your intent and visualize it filling your candle. Some people omit all the directional rubbing and put the oil onto the candle and hold it for a minute, focusing on the intention. Do what feels best to you.

When adding herbs to your candle, make sure they’re finely grounded, and then either sprinkle them on or roll your candle in them.

Before lighting your candle, make sure it’s in a safe space to light.

Fire safety is always key! So make sure your candle is under a nonflammable surface, and children and pets aren’t nearby. Whenever lighting a candle, you should always make sure your area is properly ventilated and that you keep an eye on it. You should never leave a burning candle unattended.

As you light your candle, focus again on your intent. Allow your candle to burn. Continue to focus on your intent by meditating or simply daydreaming about it. Allow the candle to burn right down to release the full force of your magick. If you can’t do this in one sitting, you can burn your candle down a little each day.

Fire season in the zodiac calendar is a perfect time to explore candle magick! So have some fun working with this passionate element and let us know in the comments how working with candle magick worked for you!

The Sun- Tarot Candle From Our Tarot Collection! Scents of Calabrian Lemon, Wild Orange & Lilac.

We also sell candles with magickal intent! You can find all of our magical candles HERE.

PLEASE NOTE: Only use fire in well-ventilated area, away from pets, children and flammable objects with an extinguisher close by.