Happy Birthday, Aquarius: 2020 Is Bringing You Lot's Of Change, Passion And Yes, Growth!


Aquarians, this time it’s all about you! The new year always leaves people fresh, excited, and ready for whatever life has to throw at them but try not to dive headlong into any major decisions. Instead, try going with the flow and just enjoy life. You’ll find this to be more beneficial in the long run. Besides, everyone needs time for a little R&R. Take this time for yourself!


January and February will be excellent months to focus on you and your own needs; cleanse your inner mind and spirit, let go of that negativity and ill-will you may be harboring towards others. You’ll find this to be liberating and you should begin to feel free of some weight you may not have realized you were carrying.


This is really going to prepare you for March and April when your energy is in high gear. Be aware of attention being paid to you in March, for this will be a great month for you to meet someone new. 2020 is going to be a year full of passion; don’t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to new people. You’ll be more likely to find a new love rather than rekindle an old flame. If you’re already happily committed to someone, your spontaneous personality will bring even more fun and excitement into your relationship!

Be mindful of all that intense energy, though. It can be easy for you to lose control of it and find yourself regressing instead of moving forward like you want.


May could bring some setbacks health-wise, but it’s nothing you won’t be able to handle if you listen to what your body and mind are telling you. You have intuition and instinct for a reason; listen to it! This also isn’t horrible advice to follow into June and July. If you’re stuck in your ways about some things, this might be the perfect opportunity to open your mind and invite new ideas and ways of thinking in. Sometimes change is the answer to those little problems or roadblocks we face, so don’t be afraid to give something new a try. You could be surprised about the doors that open!

You’ve been dreaming about something, or planning something big, and August is telling you to act more, and talk less! Put the plan into action, make those dreams a reality, or at least give them more dimension. They deserve it, and so do you. And speaking of being deserving…you may find someone worthwhile in September, as this will be the ideal month to brush off your Cupid’s bow and arrow. And if you’re the one being stung, maybe give the possibility some consideration. You never know what the universe has in store for you on the romance front.


October through December will be a series of trials and tribulations, overcoming obstacles, and creative problem-solving. These could happen in any area of your life, and while it may seem daunting at the beginning, just know that there will always be a light shining at the end of the tunnel with the arrival of the holiday season. This is when everything will start to feel worth it when you can sit down with your loved ones and just…be. Don’t worry about the little stuff, especially during this time. Don’t let anything ruin your festive mood. Shrug off any negativity that may try to wheedle its way into your mind. You kicked too much ass this year to be brought down.


Aquarians, we want to hear from you!

What are you most looking forward to this year?


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