The Magic of Color


Colors are all around us. Perhaps you tend to wear certain colors or gravitate towards certain colors for bedding or dishes.

A lot of this is truly just preference but there are meanings and uses behind each color as well. Big companies and brands have known about and used subliminal messaging with their color choices for decades but that’s not exactly what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about using colors to manifest what we want in our everyday lives. You may have been unintentionally performing a little bit of everyday magic without even realizing it.

The coolest thing about this is how it can apply to just about anything. As talked about above, clothes are a big one especially since you make choices on what to wear every day. This also extends to things like candles (magical or otherwise), makeup, flowers, nail polish, lights, jewelry, hair dye, bedding, towels, dishes, furniture, cars, phone cases, or anything else that utilizes customization and color. Below are the colors and their meanings, as well as some suggestions on how to use them! Feel free to use our recommendations or think of your own uses. Let us know what works for you!


Red is the color of passion, of course! It’s also associated with strength, fire, career, lust, action, and survival. Wear red lingerie when trying to spice up your sex life or just to feel more sensual. Lighting a red candle is a sure way to attract a sexy situation. You could also wear red lipstick when trying for a new promotion or job; its bold and fierce energy will give you the extra tenacity needed to land the position!



Orange is a great color for creativity. It will also bring joy, justice, ambition, and opportunity. When trying to get creative juices flowing nothing is better. Put a bright orange painting or other piece of décor in your office or workspace to keep you inspired. You can write in orange ink to help curb writer’s block. Finally, it just brings happiness so if you’re going to cheer up a friend after a hard day, bring the orange nail polish!



Yellow is the color of positivity! The sun, masculinity, luxury, intelligence, as well as memory, are also related to yellow. If you’re having a rough week and need something to get you through, think about adding some yellow in your life. Maybe get some yellow flowers or some chunky yellow jewelry to wear just to add a little spring to your step! Since yellow also helps with your memory it can be vital when needing to memorize something quickly. Presentation sprung on you at the last minute?? Prepare while utilizing a trusty yellow highlighter and make sure to wear the yellow day off to help jog your memory!


Green is viewed as extremely lucky! It’s also known for money, success, growth, nature, and jealousy. Everyone knows to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day but that is not the only time to wear it! If you don’t have a lucky green shirt, now is the time to get one! And if you want to hit the money aspect you better get your hands on a green wallet as well. Its association with nature and growth makes it the perfect color for anyone wanting to surround themselves with plants or tending to a garden. Green does have it’s drawbacks though with jealousy so be wary.


Blue is the color of truth. Other corresponding meanings are focus, calm, good fortune, water, and forgiveness. Blue will give you the courage to speak your truth! If you know you’ll be having a difficult conversation wear a blue necklace so it can be near your throat and help you communicate clearly. Blue is also a great color to think about in your mind when you are in stressful situations and you need to stay focused and calm.



Purple is packed with spiritual power! It’s also associated with driving away evil, the government, and breaking habits. Purple is truly a powerhouse and something to use for big situations. If you want to dive into a spiritual journey and tap into your intuition, dye your hair purple! It’s near your third eye and will definitely give you a boost. If that seems a little extreme a hat or headband would do just as well. If you want to use it for breaking habits, get a purple rubber band and put it on your wrist for some classic positive punishment.



Pink is the color of love, no surprise there. Friendship, self-love, nurturing, femininity, and maturity are also correlated with pink. When you want to stoke the flames of a burgeoning romance, pink flowers are literal perfection. Help nurture the new love softly with pink lipstick and blush. These same tips can be used for self-love, not just love for another person! You can use pink to boost friendship as well. When out at a bar with friends, get matching pink cosmos, and make sure to say cheers! If drinks aren’t your thing, matching pink friendship bracelets will do the trick!


White is the color of peace. It’s also seen as purity, healing, divination, and innocence. This is probably one of the most obvious of all the colors. Countless clichés for peace and purity especially and I think you’re pretty familiar with them already so I’m going to skip them. More interesting is its healing and cleansing qualities. Smoke from sage or other smudging materials is often a white/light grey smoke which I think aids in its clearing properties. When feeling unwell think about wearing white to help heal your body and spirit. It’s also able to stand in for any color with candles, think of white as a blank state if dealing with candle magic.



Black is the color of protection. It’s also connected with safety, pride, and banishing negativity. If you are plagued with negativity black is your new best friend. Especially black tourmaline, carry that with you everywhere! Black is often associated with “bad” but that could not be further from the truth. Black is one of the most helpful colors you can wear to keep you safe physically and spiritually. Black sheets and blankets can help ward off nightmares.

What is your favorite color to wear? How does it make you feel? Let us know in the comments below!