Sagittarius Season: Keep it Positive


Ruling Planet










Jade, Garnet, Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, Aventurine



Blue, Purple, Orange  



All About Sagittarius’

Sagittarius is full of fun! They are known as a wanderer; they love to travel and explore new things! They have an extremely open mind and tend to think about things with a philosophical gaze. They are constantly searching for meaning in all things, especially the meaning of life. Sagittarius is extroverted, enthusiastic, and tends to view the cup as half full. They can transform ideas into reality with ease and are insanely motivated to achieve their goals. A less evolved Sagittarius can struggle with commitment and are impatient with people who don’t ‘get them’.


If you’re a Sagittarius

Family times may be hard for you. With the holiday season hitting full force during a very tumultuous year, expect some resistance and even arguing from relatives. Your Sagittarius energy will not mix well with this and you will find yourself getting upset very easily. You may also feel immense pressure to meet the expectations of your family. They may not understand the path you are on and will challenge you. If you need to get out of a situation because it is too difficult or upsetting, do not feel guilty about taking yourself out of it! Do not let anyone dampen your flame!


If you’re NOT a Sagittarius

Use this energy to EXPLORE! Although this year has made it difficult to travel, that doesn’t mean you can’t think about the future. Make a pinterest or dream board of some places you’d like to visit. Dive deep into google and find out the places you really want to go to. Another way to use this energy is to try and keep a positive outlook. It’s more important than ever to try to stay optimistic to get through this year. Holidays can be hard for a lot of people and now with the added stress of the pandemic it can be worse than ever. Try to focus on the good and help others stay positive as well.

How do you plan to use this firey energy? Are you a Sagittarius? Let us know in the comments below!