Exploring Numerology And The Minor Arcana
As we’ve already discussed in Tarot 101: Minor Arcana, the tarot deck is structured into suits, each of which represents an element: Wands (fire element), Swords (air element), Cups (water element), and Pentacles/Coins (earth element).
Today we’re going to take a look at another significant aspect of the tarot deck, aside from the elemental dignities, and that is the numerology behind every card.
Each suit is structured into 1 – 10 cards and the Court cards. While technically you can attribute the Court cards numbers as well, going from 11 (Page) to 14 (King), the Court cards are more of a separate category, and we can look into that another time since there’s quite a bit to talk about there too.
For now, let’s focus on the cards that go from 1 to 10 in the suits, and see how their meanings in numerology combine with the particular elements and the ruling planets (for our Astrology enthusiasts) to help you interpret and understand the messages that each card conveys.
The 1s
The energy of 1 in numerology is the powerful, vibrant, confident, assertive, and bold energy of the Sun. It’s an affirmation of one’s desires, needs, and aspirations. In its shadowy frequency, it’s also the energy of potential stubbornness, selfishness, nearsightedness, rashness, maniacal or compulsive behavior, initiating various things without seeing them through.
When it comes to tarot, the 1s in the suits are the Aces. The 1s speak about beginnings, fresh new starts, inspiration, passion (Ace of Wands), ways of understanding things and clarity gained through mental processes or an epiphany (Ace of Swords), new contracts and responsibilities (Ace of Pentacles/Coins), and also looking within one’s own heart and soul and focusing on self-care and self-love or a potential new love opportunity coming your way (Ace of Cups).
The 2s
The energy of 2 in numerology is the connected, intuitive, emotional, sensitive, generous, nurturing, and artistically inspired energy of the Moon. It’s a deep sense of self and of everything around, empathy, deep emotional connections, and emotional healing. In its shadowy frequency, it can also be the energy of emotional codependency, indecision, and hesitation.
In tarot, the 2s speak about partnership with spirit or your higher power or with others and balance (emotional – 2 of Cups – and material – 2 of Pentacles/Coins) and the act of balancing things or energies, options and the act of deciding between options or difficulty doing so (2 of Swords), opportunities and the act of choosing between them or making a choice at a crossroads point in your path (2 of Wands).
The 3s
The energy of 3 in numerology is the expanding and exploring energy of Jupiter. It’s curious, explorative, adventurous, generous, and sociable. In its shadowy frequency, it can become smothering, obsessive, and reclusive.
The 3s in tarot speak about a state of growth and expansion, which can be connected to emotions (joy, celebration – 3 of Cups), skills (gaining mastery of a craft – 3 of Pentacles/Coins), wisdom and growth through suffering (3 of Swords), and opportunities and possibilities of growth (3 of Wands).
The 4s
The numerological energy of 4 is the innovative, transformative, growth and progress focused energy of Uranus. It’s the dynamic energy of change and transformation, the inquisitive mind that explores and wonders “What if?”. In its shadowy frequency, it can turn destructive by changing things for the sake of change or despondent and jaded because of lack of dynamism.
The 4s of the tarot deck speak about a state of balance achieved from which to grow, which can turn into stagnancy if set in stone. It can be a solid foundation from which to make further progress (4 of Wands), a stagnancy or lack of resources or investment (4 of Pentacles/Coins), emotional stagnancy or despondence (4 of Cups), or a state of regaining balance through rest, healing, and recuperation (4 of Swords).
The 5s
The numerological meaning of 5 is all about the communicative, social butterfly, curious, inquisitive, and exchange-focused energy of Mercury. It’s all about connections, exchanges, competition, social status, persuasion. In its shadowy side, it can turn manipulative, exclusivist, discriminatory, gossipy, morose, sullen, and even spiteful.
The 5s of the tarot deck are all about tests, challenges, difficulties or hurdles. They can be in the area of emotions (5 of Cups), success (5 of Swords), tensions and passions (5 of Wands), or means and the sense of inclusion (5 of Pentacles/Coins).
The 6s
In numerology, 6 are all about the luxurious, abundant, sensual, serene, seductive, fertile energy of Venus. It’s growth, nurturing, creativity, delights of the senses. In its shadowy frequency, it can turn hedonistic, exhausting, and depleting.
When it comes to the 6s in tarot, we’re talking about expansion and growth. It can be connections that pass the test of time (6 of Cups), generosity (6 of Pentacles/Coins), recognition of success and achievement (6 of Wands) or moving towards diplomacy and calmer waters (6 of Swords).
The 7s
The numerological meaning of 7 is all about the intuitive, emotional, deep, flowing energy of Neptune. It’s the ebb and flow, the continuous cycle of the tides, the deep waters of the subconscious and of feelings. In its shadowy frequency, it can turn stagnant, repetitive, suspicious, insecure, and shifty.
The 7s of tarot are all about tests and dealing with challenges. They involve options and dreams, some of which might turn out to be pipe dreams though (7 of Cups), waiting on results after putting in the effort (7 of Pentacles/Coins), feeling or being attacked and being in a defensive stance (7 of Wands) or ingeniousness and looking out for yourself while potentially harming or betraying others (7 of Swords).
The 8’s
In numerology, 8 are all about the testing and consequential energy of Saturn. It’s the energy of teaching and testing, continuous education, spiritual growth and development, constant progress. In its shadow frequency, it can turn vindictive, punitive, and judgmental.
The 8s of tarot are all about continuity and dynamic energy. They are connected to a continuous process of learning and perfecting (8 of Pentacles/Coins), rapid progress and communication (8 of Wands), continuous self-limitations and self-imposed isolation or a lack of energy exchanges with the outside (8 of Swords), and making emotional progress by leaving behind a situation that wasn’t in your best interest and for your highest good (8 of Cups).
The 9s
The numerological meaning of 9 is all about the active, entrepreneurial, achiever, passionate, and results-oriented energy of Mars. It’s all about inspired investments and sales, lucky strikes, quick thinking and reacting. In its shadowy frequency, it can turn solitary, belligerent, impetuous, and even destructive.
The 9s of the tarot deck are all about progress and forward motion with purpose. They connect to persevering in the face of all adversity and standing up for what is important to you (9 of Wands), gaining or enjoying luxury and material comforts – though they might come at the cost of singledom or some measure of solitude – (9 of Pentacles/Coins), wish fulfillment and the thrill of joy that it brings with the risk of over-celebrating (9 of Cups), and anxiety or restless mental energy which keeps gripping your mind and your subconscious (9 of Swords).
The 10s
In numerological terms, the 10 reduces to a 1, coming full circle through the planets and returning to the aspect of the self, the Sun. As a particular shadow frequency of the 10, it can manifest as unwillingness or inability to end cycles, anxiety or panic about surrendering, and issues or blockages when it comes to letting go, forgiving, and moving on to the next phase of your journey.
The 10s of tarot are all about completion of cycles and what that entails. Since the 10 reduces to a 1, they’re the mark of embarking on a new chapter as you conclude the previous one. They are connected to emotional fulfillment through familial success and potentially weddings/unions (10 of Cups), the wealth of generations, material abundance, and blessings coming from or through a family line (10 of Pentacles/Coins), feeling weighed down by numerous burdens and an emphasis on having to ask for assistance (10 of Wands), and reaching final conclusions through clear-cut endings which may hurt as they happen but will serve you in the long run (10 of Swords).
In Short
As you combine the numerological aspects, planetary aspects involved in each number, the elemental dignities involved in each tarot card, and add in some careful and intuitive exploration of the symbols present on the card itself, you’ll get a very nuanced and insightful understanding of the messages that each card can convey.