Our Blog
Embark on a soulful journey with our spiritual lifestyle blog. Uncover the secrets to finding balance, explore the wonders of travel, and awaken your creativity.
The Power Behind the Swords in Tarot
The sword in tarot is often seen as a weapon, but it communicates a lot more than that. In this blog post, we will explore the power and deeper meaning behind the swords in tarot.
Unlocking the Magick of the Lovers Tarot Card
Whether you are looking for insight into your own relationship or seeking guidance in your search for true love, understanding the magick of the lovers tarot card can open up powerful possibilities.
Exploring Numerology And The Minor Arcana
Today we’re going to take a look at another significant aspect of the tarot deck, aside from the elemental dignities, and that is the numerology behind every card.
Tarot 101: The Elements
After doing a brief overview of the major arcana and focusing on the fool’s journey, now we are going to turn to the minor arcana. This is a general overview of the cards, starting with the elements. We will be diving in deeper in a later blog but for now here is an introduction to the minor arcana.
Tarot 101: The Fool's Journey
We are so excited to be starting this blog series, Tarot 101! With the release of two Tarot candles this year and the true start of our Tarot collection we thought now would be the perfect time to begin.